
Monday 26 December 2022

Our Lady's Message from Medjugorje Christmas Day 2022

 Today, December 25, 2022, Our Lady gave her message to the world through the visionary Marija.

The following is the English translation of her message:
Dear children!
Today I am carrying my Son Jesus to you, that you may be His peace and a reflection of the clarity and joy of Heaven.
Pray, little children, to be open to receive peace because many hearts are closed to the call of the light which changes hearts.
I am with you and am praying for you to open yourselves to receive the King of peace, Who fills your hearts with warmth and blessing.
Thank you for having responded to my call.

Monday 31 October 2022

Identity Crisis


As I gasped at an online article (that I subsequently verified as true); I wondered what would happen if I showed up at the doctors and told him that I now identified as a cat…would he offer me a saucer of milk ? Probably not, but if someone (even a child) declares that they ‘feel’ like they are another gender than their actual one, despite the physical evidence to the contrary, the doctor may proceed with hormone therapies or surgery to mutilate them and they can transition to another gender.

Well I suppose there are few surprises left in the madness of our age; a one minute read of a newspaper reveals the brokenness of humanity as it spirals down ever further into confusion and depravity.

One would however expect better from within the Church, and the Catholic schools entrusted with the formation of the hearts of the next generation of Catholics. The article I just read was about a transgender ‘man’ (a woman who has undergone a transition to become a ‘man’) who is a teacher of religion at a Catholic school in England… supposedly ‘bridging the gap between LGBT community and religion’. A little further study revealed that the Bishop of the same diocese is officiating at LGBT Masses.

Casualties of gender ideology and the LGBT agenda are stacking up, ruining people’s lives; they need help and only God can fix this. He equipped the church to deal with any such attack on the dignity of the human person. He gave His church the power of His word to call to repentance, His gifts of counsel and Healing to restore their minds and hearts and the gift of Exorcism for those under the worst kind of demonic oppression to set the captives free. How He longs to set them free and heal them and welcome them home; without compromise, fully restored. He makes no treaties with the enemy of their souls who seeks only to pervert and destroy them.

Ambiguity is Satan’s foot in the door and there is already plenty of it without importing it into the classrooms or church; we do a great disservice to those who are confused about gender when you sign a peace treaty with the author of confusion.

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Stephanus Antonious


A couple of years ago my dad surprised me with a story I had not heard. It was about my Baptism. Apparently I was Baptised in Latin, so strictly speaking my name is not Stephen Anthony but Stephanus Antonious. It has a nice Gladitorial ring to it ; which explains a lot.

I wonder what all the fuss is about having Mass in Latin; it seems to verge on obsession from some quarters; particularly when it is idolised to the point of its proponents separating themselves from the church, becoming essentially Latin speaking protestants; like the SSPX for whom even the subtle hint of excommunication of its bishops wasn’t enough to snap them out of it. In true protestant tradition they quickly splintered into SSPV and a host of other factions who couldn’t agree on what they disagreed with. It sounds familiar somehow… (2 Timothy 2:14) 

Language is important though. And I think scripture hints at what is appropriate. In the Acts of the Apostles, on Pentecost we see the Apostles preaching (I Imagine in Aramaic) and ‘everybody understood them in their own language’. (Acts 2:6) That’s how the Holy Spirit did it; He did not make them all suddenly understand Aramaic, but translated it for them into their own language; the language of the heart. 

A few years ago, up in a fairly remote Northern Province in the Philippines I was talking to a chap from the Isneg tribe who told me about a missionary who had spent years translating the New Testament into the Isneg language. The people there speak English and Filipino of course and many were already Christians but He said when he read scripture in his ‘own language’ he wept; it moved him so deeply to hear it in the language of heart. 

Surely though what is needed is to get back to basics, not so much with tradition but fully ‘orthodox’ to the instructions left behind by Jesus. To preach the Gospel, Heal the sick, Raise the Dead, Cast out demons.

Sunday 21 August 2022

The Power of the Mass for the Souls in Putgatory

On October 13, 1849, there died at the age of fifty-two, in the parish of Ardoye, in Flanders, a woman named Eugenie Van de Kerckove, whose husband, John Wybo, was a farmer. She was a pious and charitable woman who generously gave to charity in proportionate to her means. She had, to the end of her life, a great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and abstained from meat in her honor on the Friday and Saturday of each week. Although her conduct was not free from certain faults, she otherwise led a exemplary and edifying life.
Eugenie had a servant named Barbara Vennecke, aged twenty-eight, who was known as a virtuous and devoted girl, and who had assisted her mistress in her last sickness, and after Eugenie’s death, she continued to serve her master, John Wybo, the widower of Eugenie.

About three weeks after her death, the deceased appeared to her servant under circumstances which we will now relate. It was in the middle of the night; Barbara slept soundly, when she heard herself called distinctly three times by her name. She awoke with a start, and saw Eugenie before her, sitting on the side of her bed, clad in a working dress, consisting of a skirt and short jacket. At this remarkable sight, Barbara was seized with astonishment. The apparition spoke to her: “Barbara," she said, simply pronouncing her name. “What do you desire, Eugenie?" replied the servant.

Power of the Mass for souls in Purgatory
‘Please take," said the mistress, “the little rake which I often told you to put in its place; stir the heap of sand in the little room; you know to which one I refer. You will find there 500 franks; use it to have Masses said, two francs for each Mass, for my intention, for I am still suffering." “I will do so, Eugenie," replied Barbara, and at the same moment the apparition vanished. After awhile she fell asleep again, and reposed quietly until morning:

On awaking, Barbara thought that maybe it was all just a dream, but yet she had been so deeply impressed, so wide awake, she had seen her old mistress in a form so distinct, so full of life and she had received from her lips such precise directions, that she could not help saying, “This cannot have been a dream. I saw my mistress in person; she presented herself to my eyes and she surely spoke to me. It is no dream, but a reality."

She therefore immediately went and took the rake as directed, stirred the sand, and drew out a purse containing the sum of five hundred francs.

In such strange and extraordinary circumstances the good girl thought it her duty to seek the advice of her pastor before spending the 500 francs on having Masses said, and went to relate to him all that had happened. The venerable Abbe R., then parish priest of Ardoye, replied that the Masses asked by the departed soul absolutely must be celebrated, but, in order to dispose of the sum of money, the consent of the husband, John Wybo, was necessary, since the money was found in his house. The latter willingly consented that the money should be employed for so holy a purpose, and the Masses were celebrated, being given two francs for each Mass.

We call attention to the circumstance of the Mass donations, because it corresponded with the pious custom of the deceased. The fee for a Mass fixed by the diocese at that time was a franc and a half, but during her lifetime Eugenie-through consideration and charity for the clergy, many of whom were quite poor- always gave two francs for each Mass that she made offerings for. Thus the extra 1/2 a frank Mass offering that she normally made was an act of charity and additional financial support for the priests who celebrated them.

Two months after the first apparition, while Masses were still being said for Eugenie’s intentions, Barbara was again awakened during the night. This time her chamber was illuminated with a bright light, and her mistress appeared before her with a radiant smile, beautiful and fresh in appearance as in the days of her youth, and was dressed in a robe of dazzling whiteness—“Barbara," she said in a clear voice, “I thank you! For I am now delivered from the place of purification.' Saying these words, she disappeared, and the chamber became dark as before.

The servant, amazed at what she had just seen, was full of joy, and she soon spread the remarkable story to everyone about the town . This apparition made the most lively impression upon her mind, and she preserves to this day the most consoling remembrance of it. It is from her that we have these details, through the favor of the venerable Abbe L., who was curate at Ardoye when these facts occurred.

The Divine Will .. Luisa Piccaretta


Satan and Video Games


Tuesday 26 April 2022

April 25th 2022 Message of Our Lady in Medjugorje

“Dear children!

I am looking at you and I see that you are lost. That is why I am calling all of you: return to God, return to prayer—and the Holy Spirit will fill you with His love which gives joy to the heart. Hope will grow in you, also for a better future, and you will become joyful witnesses of God’s mercy in you and around you.

Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Tuesday 15 March 2022

The Wa tribes in Burma ... how they became Christians .. from Asia Harvest website

The history of Christianity among the Wa is a long one, with God first reaching them with great power through a unique demonstration of His love and grace in the 1880s. The late Don Richardson's wonderful book, Eternity in their Hearts, tells the extraordinary story of how the Gospel first came to the Wa people:

"The Wa were headhunters. Just once a year, in the planting season, Wa tribesmen felt compelled by bloodthirsty spirits to plant human heads in their fields along with their seeds—just to ensure a good crop. Neighboring tribes always wanted to leave for vacation when the Wa were planting their crops, but unfortunately that was when they had to plant their crops too.

A benign influence, however, was at work within the folk religion of the Wa people. From time-to-time prophets of the true God, whom the Wa called Siyeh, arose to condemn headhunting and spirit-appeasement! One such prophet, Pu Chan, appeared during the 1880s. He persuaded several thousand Wa tribesmen to abandon headhunting and spirit worship on the grounds that the true God was about to send a long-awaited white brother with a copy of the lost book. If he came to the Wa territory and heard that the Wa were practicing evil things, he might think them unworthy of the true God's book and turn away again! If that happened, Pu Chan warned, surely the Wa would never get another chance to have the lost book restored to them.

One morning Pu Chan saddled a pony. ‘Follow this pony,' he said to some of his disciples. ‘Siyeh told me last night that the white brother has finally come near! Siyeh will cause this pony to lead you to him. While Pu Chan's disciples gaped in astonishment, the pony started walking. Expecting the pony to stop at the nearest stream, they followed it."

Two hundred miles away, an American missionary from Nebraska, William Young, had recently set up base in the town of Kengtung. One day Young went to the marketplace to preach among the people, and he noticed strangely garbed men gravitating toward him out of the throng in the market.

They were not Wa, but were men from the neighboring Lahu tribe, who God chose to receive the Gospel first. The Lahu had also been waiting for a white man to come with a lost book that would reconnect them to the true God, whom they called Gwi'sha in their language. Richardson continues the story:

"They stared incredulously at the missionary's white face, the interior of the book in his hand, and listened to his description of the laws of God contained in that book. Then, in an outburst of powerful emotion, the Lahu pleaded with Young to follow them up into the mountains. ‘We as a people have been waiting for you for centuries,' they explained. ‘We even have meeting houses built in some of our villages in readiness for your coming.'

Some of the men showed him bracelets of coarse rope hanging like manacles from their wrists. ‘We have worn ropes like these since time immemorial. They symbolize our bondage to evil spirits. You alone, as the messenger of Gwi'sha, may cut these manacles from our wrists—but only after you have brought the lost book of Gwi'sha to our very hearths!'

Nearly speechless with awe, Young went with them. Tens of thousands of Lahu became Christians, and it was at that stage that Pu Chan saddled his pony (200 miles away in Wa territory) and told his Wa disciples to follow it to the missing book and the messenger of the True God. When the pony finally arrived at the home of William Young, the Wa asked him: ‘Have you brought the book of God?' Young nodded. The men, overcome with emotion, fell at his feet and blurted out, ‘This pony is saddled especially for you. Our people are all waiting. Fetch the book! We must be on our way!"

Thousands of Wa heard the Gospel from both the Young family and the new Lahu Christians. They repented of their sins and gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Young's son, Vincent, later translated the New Testament into Wa.

During much of the 20th century, many Wa people continued to outwardly follow Christ, but their faith generally slipped into dead formalism. A vibrant, life-giving revival was greatly needed among the Wa, lest the amazing breakthroughs of the past would go to waste.

One reason for the spiritual decline among the Wa was the problem with their Bible. Because of their widespread locations and multiple dialects, only a fraction of Wa were able to understand the dialect the Bible was available in.

Some years ago, a Wa Bible committee was set up to address this problem, and a new translation was launched in a common vernacular that many more Wa people could understand.

Asia Harvest has been greatly blessed to provide more than 80,000 new Wa Bibles , free of charge, through our Asian Bible Fund . There are many requests for more, and we invite you to prayerfully consider supporting this strategic endeavor.