
Friday 14 June 2024

Prepare for D-day


I watched part of the BBC coverage of the 80th anniversary of D-day in Normandy. 

When the Ukraine’s President Zelensky met with the last few veterans and spoke with them you could see something pass between them. The old veterans had once stood where Zelensky and his countrymen now stand, in the heat of battle, against terrible odds, determined and resilient but facing an uncertain future and outcome. The veterans have tasted the victory after a long struggle and great losses; the Ukraine longs for a time of peace after victory which they can commemorate.

Wars are not always won by might or strength of numbers though as the allies can testify to. Two very beautiful miracles in WW11; one was the Dunkirk evacuation where the weather conditions were absolutely perfect (extremely rare for that area) with calm seas to assist the small boats, and total cloud cover which hindered the Luftwaffe from bombing the vessels and forcing them above the clouds where the RAF were waiting for them.

The other was the Battle of Britain; outnumbered 4:1 by German fighters; even with the best aircraft and more motivated pilots the odds were really too much to expect victory. Unless of course there is an unseen factor at play; which there was. Intercession. For the entire duration of the air battle, groups of intercessors prayed day and night for the RAF for some heavenly air cover and they got it!

I recall at the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine as the Russian tanks approached Kyiv, many people of different denominations across the globe, as they watched things unfold on the news, were also consistently in prayer to stop their progress and push them back into Belarus. We prayed every night as a family here. And this has always been the key; to seek God’s intervention at key moments from the Old Testament days to our own. Many of Our Lady’s apparitions point us to this. In Fatima we were told to pray to prevent WW11, alas that went unheeded. 

In our day, we see conditions similar to previous times: Russia invading Ukraine and also the Chinese sabre rattling near Taiwan and swamping the West Philippine Sea with uninvited militia vessels. With consistent prayer we can disrupt whatever plans and schemes are being cooked up by evil men and watch as the Lord’s plans are fulfilled. Best to begin now though and not wait until it’s too late!

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