I’ve noticed that there are lots of men with beards these days; but few of them are philosophers.
It’s an unusual epoch. On the one hand technological marvels are rolled out thick and fast, whilst self- knowledge and the search for true meaning and purpose in life seems to be regarded as trivial or at best a relic of a darkened age.
Padre Pio gave this advice to a family with young children: - ‘Take care, not so much of their scientific as of their moral education... As you educate their minds with good studies, assure the education of their hearts, along with that of our holy religion; one without the other causes a mortal wound to the human heart.’
This would certainly seem to sum-up the current situation in many nations, reflected in their choice of leaders whose behaviour or attitude mirrors their own. Can anyone identify even one good world leader in our day? A real leader looks at the role as sacrificial; it is to love and care more for those you serve than for yourself. That is the depth of character which enables one to die for his people.
An Arab leader born at the turn of the last century gives a good example of this: Auda Abu Tayi, was always found in the heart of battle with his men, permanently poor as his generosity and hospitality were legendary. He was described as a ‘river to his people’ which in the desert means life–giving.
A more familiar example would be Sir Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic explorer and exemplary leader whose expeditions all failed in their original objectives but whose men would follow him anywhere because they knew he would get them through. He gave his last biscuit to one of his men when they were both on the verge of starvation, and his mittens to another despite the certainty of frost bite.
We have lost the way. Western leaders preach a gospel of selfishness and nationalism while the leaders of the developing world cling to power long enough to fill their pockets and make a run for it and the Arab states, confused and frustrated, turn to Islamic fundamentalism. Meanwhile the Chinese embark on a quiet invasion of the world, enslaving nations through the propagation of debt which cannot be paid.
It’s only the education of the heart, the growth in the Spirit, grounded in the Christian faith, which enables us to love and sacrifice for others. This can draw out true leadership, strength and goodness in our societies.