
Showing posts with label trinity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trinity. Show all posts

Friday, 31 March 2023

Plan 75 .. a few thoughts on Euthanasia


There was a TV series years ago called Logan’s Run set in a dystopian society where the people lived until 30 and then had to ‘make room’ for the next generation and were forcibly Euthanized:- of course in those days Euthanasia, Doctor assisted dying or assisted suicide were still quite unthinkable; preposterous. 

There was an interview recently given by a Canadian doctor who had herself dispatched 300 people so far under the Doctor assisted dying program in Canada, which has the most liberal laws in the world with respect to Euthanasia. No serial killer or mass murderer can get near such a tally without being apprehended. But she found her work to be quite satisfying- the state bestowing its compassion on the vulnerable sectors of the population. 

Others in Canada, particularly the old, disabled and infirm are finding the policies lacking. One chap, who was a veteran and in need of a ramp to leave his house in his wheelchair was offered Euthanasia as an alternative. Others too who had run up large medical bills or were taking up bed-space in hospitals are also frequently nudged in that direction. So a combination of withholding the assistance needed for a good quality of life or the pressure to not become a financial burden has sent many to an early grave under the veil of ‘state compassion’. 

Last year there was a movie by a Japanese film-maker that really nailed the subject as he took a peek into the near ‘possible’ future. It was called ‘Plan 75’ – a government initiative to deal with the problem of an ageing population and low birth rate. In it the elderly, who were often neglected and struggling to survive, often alone, were offered a euthanasia package (by good looking, youthful sales reps and call center agents) whereby they can receive a government grant of $1000 to spend as they wish (could be for a party or inheritance to their descendants) in exchange for being euthanized. A further benefit could be obtained – a free cremation and burial if they agreed to a mass cremation/burial as it was more efficient. This may sound familiar as was the method of their death, by being gassed. 

Often as people age or are afflicted with illness or disability their external identity diminishes. This is due to loss of jobs, finances, or apparent usefulness. Their roles shrink as their families grow-up and leave and they retire, perhaps alone when spouses die. And a God-less society is not capable of seeing true worth or dignity anymore. But the reality is so far from this as we know as believers. Because despite the losses we take in life, despite deterioration of body and mind we are and will always be children of God, sons and daughters, co-heirs of the kingdom of God, We have immortal souls with a dignity far greater than we can possibly imagine; destined to an eternity of joy and bliss should we choose it. Our old age is often a time of the greatest growth as human beings, and our sufferings are that final purification to ready us to meet a Holy God. 

We are not garbage to be thrown out, nor meat to be butchered. To truly die with dignity is to do so in the manner and time that God provides for, regardless of how it looks to anyone else.

Tuesday, 28 February 2023



After Mass last week I got to thinking about what produces gratitude and its different levels that we feel and experience. 

The more casual occasions are frequent and easy to identify, like when you are in traffic and someone lets you in when you want to change lane or make a turn; or where someone providing a service goes beyond what is expected. We can feel a momentary appreciation and typically respond with thanksgiving, grateful for the courtesy shown. 

Where a situation is more critical, we tend to have a deeper gratitude, when someone saves your life with timely CPR during a heart attack or more so, when the assistance is sacrificial as when a relative donates a kidney to extend his loved one’s life. 

And yet, in the most crucial drama imaginable we tend to be quite aloof and unappreciative. When God created us and breathed life into our immortal souls, inviting us into fellowship with the Trinity and the offer of eternal bliss should we choose it would think that would elicit gratitude. That Jesus came into the world and sacrificed himself to save us from sin and the damnation we would otherwise receive… still a distinct lack of gratitude. And then the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit we received and can avail of every day to keep us on the straight path ... we should be dancing in the streets with joy and thanksgiving. 

Maybe we are myopic and insensitive to these incredible gifts or undervalue what is holy and eternal in favour of the material in the present moment. 

Perhaps for lent we could begin to be grateful for what has been given by God, to thank Him daily, to appreciate what we cannot see or is yet to be realised, as well as the many tangible gifts and blessings we have already received.

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Don't Complicate your Life..

“Excuse me, where is the Trinity?”
I was walking in the lobby of St. Luke’s hospital in Quezon City when this man came up and hit me with this very deep question.
He looked very confused. My guess was that he recognized me from my TV show or my books and decided to ask me a spiritual question. So I gave him my best shot. I dug deep into my theology and said, “The Trinity is all around us. The Trinity is within you. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one…”
His face looked even more puzzled, so I tried even harder. “I know this is difficult to understand, but there are three persons in one God…” I explained. “Think of fire. The flame, the light, and the heat are separate things yet they’re one. Just like the Trinity.” Believe me, I was mesmerized by my own intelligence.
That was when he interrupted my brilliant answer and said, “Uh, that’s great, but uh… I just want to know where the Holy Trinity School is?”
“Oh…,” I turned red as a tomato and said, “Go right at E. Rodriguez and you’ll see it in 5 minutes…” He thanked me and left in a huff. Probably to get away as fast as he can from the religious kook he was talking to.
Would you believe? I was explaining the Dogma of the Trinity to a man who simply needed simple directions.
I’ve learned my lesson never to complicate my life more than I should.