
Monday 9 September 2019

Called in his Sleep

A young engineer from Bologna who had been away from the church for years, dreamt one night of Padre Pio. The friar gazed at him for a long time and then disappeared after saying ‘It is fortunate for you that you could sustain my scrutiny’ The man had never heard of Padre Pio at that stage but was intrigued and made enquiries about him. He had a great desire to meet him and at the same time felt his conscience pricking him. He wanted to come out of his situation but did not feel he had the inner strength to do so and sank back into his lethargy and eight years passed by.

It took a catastrophe to shake him out of his apathy. An earthquake shook Bologna. He decided to visit Padre Pio and took a train to San Giovanni Rotondo, but after several kilometers he felt ill and had to return home. He wrote to Padre Pio to explain and he replied telling him to be patient and carry out charitable works until the right moment came along to visit.  Eventually he did visit and when he saw Padre Pio at the monastery he recognized him as looking exactly as he did in his dream 8 years earlier and fell to his knees weeping and blurted out “ I have known your reputation for holiness for 8 years” Padre Pio responded ‘what good has it done you, you have lived as you wished’ Change your life my son’

This time he accepted his advice , went to confession, received absolution and returned to Bologna a  new man and gave witness to God’s grace through Padre Pio.

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