
Sunday 22 April 2018

Deliver us from Evil ..

In Jakarta (Indonesia), a couple who came to listen to the messages of Medjugorje during one of our meetings brought their daughter with them.

While I was explaining how Satan subtly tricks people by using occult practices - using people who look very charitable offering amulets, lucky charms, or other objects - the young woman realized that she was recently given such a gift. She was carrying it around her neck. 

It was an object that a person had advised her to wear for good luck telling her, 'Be careful never to take it off, because if you do, it would bring you bad luck!' She told her parents about this object after the meeting and they asked her to throw it away. 

The young woman was so afraid she began to cry. She reluctantly handed it over to the priest that was present. That same evening, she sent a message to her parents to thank them. 

Since getting rid of the object, she has felt a great interior peace that she had never experienced before in her life: her whole body was liberated from a strong oppression that she had continuously felt on her spine and in her head. Now she was crying for joy and she came closer to Jesus. Her fear disappeared. Thank you Jesus!

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